Using Periscope

Using Periscope

Selecting Sites

Before using Periscope the user must choose which "sites" in the database are available to Periscope, each of which will consume one site in the licensed allotment. Periscope comes standard with 10 sites licensed, and additional sites can be purchased and added at any time. A site can be defined by any metered square footage, enabling sub-metering, etc., but is typically considered to be a single facility. A site is designated in Niagara by the haystack tag hs:site. For more on tagging sites, click here 

To choose your sites in Periscope after they have been tagged properly, navigate to Periscope in your browser and go to Settings (gear cog at the top right of the page).  This will take you to the "About" settings page.  Click on the "Choose Sites" button to select which sites are usable by Periscope. Once chosen, these sites will be tagged with an hs:periscopeSite marker tag in the Niagara4 database. 

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