Application Note: NHaystack (Niagara users only)

Application Note: NHaystack (Niagara users only)

Periscope can not run in conjunction with the NHaystackService. We are aware that some Niagara users may have already taken initial steps to adopt the haystack standard and as such have likely installed the community module available at https://bitbucket.org/richiemac_77/nhaystack. While this is great, Periscope already comes with it's own haystack server that expects to function as the primary haystack server the same way that NHaystack does.

Since the haystack server already leverages Niagara credentials for authentication, no other changes should be needed with respect to any outside technologies that are communicating with the haystack server.

Disclaimer: This application note is provided as-is with no guarantees of no interruption in service. Always practice safe practices like keeping (and ensuring you can restore) backups before making changes to Niagara services. Activelogix does not operate nor maintain NHaystack and therefore cannot comment on system designs that make use of NHaystack that were installed outside of the purview of Activelogix's own professional services. These comments were provided based on our own experience which to-date has had no issues with removing the NHaystackService and restarting the station.

If you have any issues running Periscope after removing the NHaystackService and restarting your Niagara station please contact techsupport@activelogix.com.