Periscope is licensed by the number of sites being used in your installation (minimum of 10). A "site" according to Project Haystack is:
A site entity models a single facility using the
tag. A good rule of thumb is to model any building with its own street address as its own site. For example a campus is better modeled with each building as a site, versus treating the entire campus as one site.
Certain views, viewlets, and other features are licensed individually and require a certain part number in order to operate.
Point Relations
Points and trends must be associated with a tagged site in order to work in Periscope. See our documentation on relations tagging for more information.
Periscope Views and Viewlet Bundles
All installations of Periscope contain the "base" bundle which includes generic and commonly used views and viewlets. Additionally, Periscope has three optional bundles available: Energy, Sustainability, and Analytics. These bundles contain a carefully chosen group of viewlets and features pertaining to a specific usage. The list of available features for each bundle is below:
Base Views & Viewlets
Included with all installations:
Optional Views & Viewlets
The following groups of viewlets are optional and can be purchased separately:
- Site Scatter Plot
- Tree Map
- Heat Map
Sustainability (PER-SUSTAIN)
- Ranking
- Green Tips
- Image
- Kiosk (feature)
- Equivalencies - the ability to convert trends to sustainable equivalencies such as CO2, miles driven, etc.
Optional Features and Views
Periscope also has some unique features and views which are licensed separately. These can be added to any installation but are not included by default in the base package or in a bundle.
- Themes (PER-THEME) - enables the ability to create custom themes with your logo and colors.
- Map View and Viewlet (PER-MAP) - enables the map view.
- Alarm Timeline View (PER-ALARM) - enables the usage of the Alarm Timeline view / viewlet.