

Remote "AuditHistory" must be pulled into the server in order for this feature to work.  See Installation for more details.

The Audit view displays meta-data for user logins. This view allows you to pinpoint particular stations, dates, and operations. Displayed in reverse-chronological order is a list of operations made in to a device in your network. An operation can be either a login, logout or login failure. Each audit item displays what happened (operation), the user, originating IP address, and for which station. Login Failures are indicated in red.


Start and End

The Start and End menu items show and allow selection of the times to audit. Clicking on one of these menu items displays a date selector. The date selector will disable (grey-out) dates that are not available to query.

Disabled dates are:

  • Future dates
  • Dates before Start date (when selecting the End date)
  • Dates after the End date (when selecting the Start date)


The Operations menu allows you to filter audit items by the operation committed.

Operations are:

  • Login
  • Logout
  • Login Failure

Changing the selection of operations updates the Audit view to show only those selected.


The Stations menu displays which stations are currently selected. If all stations are selected, the menu will show "All". If not all stations are selected, it will display the number of selected stations, "2 selected". If there are issues connecting to particular stations, they will appear as disabled in this menu.

Changing the selection of stations acts as a filter for the Audit view and will update the view to only count and show only the operations committed to the selected devices.