Installation and Setup
- Install the alxIFTTT.jar to Workbench as well as JACE modules
- Restart workbench and reboot JACE
- Install the IFTTTService into the Station Services
The IFTTT driver requires a Niagara license and certificate in order to work properly. Please contact Activelogix at with your Host ID if you'd like them.
Set up HTTP Basic Authentication
The IFTTT service will be communicating to your JACE using HTTP Basic Authentication. This is not supported out of the box and requires configuration on a Niagara 4 station.
- Open the Palettes sidebar
- Open the "baja" palette
- Expand "Authentication Schemes"
- Expand "WebServicesSchemes"
- Drop the "HTTPBasicScheme" from the palette into your Station's /Services/AuthenticationService/AuthenticationSchemes folder.
Create an IFTTT Station User
A new user should be configured to allow IFTTT to communicate with the station securely and to limit any outside station exposure. This user needs to have the "Authentication Scheme Name" property set to HTTPBasicScheme.
This user needs Admin Read/Write/Invoke for the IFTTTService as well as any MakerTriggers and MakerActions within your station.
Configure IFTTTService
The following fields need to be configured in the IFTTT Service:
- Key - This is the IFTTT API key, can be found by going to (click the "Documentation" button)
- User Name - User name of your IFTTT Station user
- Password - Password of your IFTTT Station user
- Public IP - The public IP address of your JACE. IFTTT will be connecting to this IP to send Actions
- Use HTTPS - Set to true if your JACE's WebService is configured to use HTTPS