The Baseline viewlet enables comparison of the value of any trended variable, such as energy consumption, production, resource usage, etc. for the "Current" time period vs. a prior time range, such as a "Baseline" period.
Configuration Options:
- Title: Set a custom viewlet title.
- Data: Select from available trends using either the Picker or Query mode.
- Date: Fine tune when the trend's data is shown. Can be set to auto (global control), a preset date range, or a user selected date range.
- Rollup: Select auto, or manual for more rollup control over rollup time, and rollup types such as Avg, Min, Max, Sum values of the trend based on selected date ranges.
- Baseline: Compare the current period's data with the previous period data if set to auto, or pick a specific time range.
- Convert To: Convert the data to comparable units such as kWh to MWh or kWh to BTU's.
- Align Days: Shift the baseline weekday to start on the same day of the week (+ or -). Example: "today vs yesterday" with "align days" will end up comparing the same day against each other.
This feature requires the part number PER-ENERGY