Temp To Degree Days (AX Object)

Temp To Degree Days (AX Object)

This component converts historical temperature data into respective heating, cooling, and total degree days.  It can be configured to run on an interval or manually. 


  • Temperature History - The AX History containing temperature values.
  • Temperature Record Type - Interval is the default usage and will calculate degree days for each day of the month. Only use Monthly if your temperature trend contains one average temperature record per month.
  • Execution Time - How often to automatically execute. Set to Manual if you do not want automatic execution.
  • History Folder - The History Folder or Device Name that the generated degree day histories will be placed.
  • History Base Name - This string will be prepended to "_HDD", "_CDD", and "_TDD". For example, if your History Base Name was "Charlotte", executing would create the following trends: "Charlotte_HDD", " Charlotte_HDD ", and " Charlotte_HDD”.
  • Base Temperature - The base temperature used to calculate degree days.

Note: This object requires the PER-V251 feature in order to be used