Area Chart Viewlet

Area Chart Viewlet

The Area Chart Viewlet enables the user to display graphically quantitative data from one or more similar variables. Similar to line charts, the area charts often enable to user to visualize the underlying data more clearly. The chart may be plotted in either Landscape (default) or Portrait modes using the “rotate” flag in the viewlet config dialog.

Area Chart Configuration


You can select multiple trends by filtering Locations or Units, or both. Additionally you can start typing in the trend name in the search box to narrow down the search field. The Units are dictated by the global properties inside Periscope Config. If you don't like the default color, you can change it via the color boxes on the far right.


  • Date Range: Select the time span shown for the selected trends. Selecting 'Time Range' will allow for using the calendar boxes below.
  • Rollup: Select Avg, Min, Max, Sum values of trends based on selected date ranges.
  • Legend Data: Show the Location, Trend, or both labels on the top right of the viewlet.
  • Legend Visibility: Show always, never, or only when the viewlet is maximized.
  • Rotate: Rotates the graph 90° clockwise.
  • Type: Select Overlap, Stacked, or Stacked 100%