The Drilldown Column Chart Viewlet has the same functionality as the normal Column Chart Viewlet, with the benefit of being multi-tiered. By clicking on specific columns, the user can “drill down” to levels contained within the one above it. The groups beneath each section are constantly totaled, relative size at all times. Specific values can be seen by hovering over the individual columns. This viewlet can be helpful for comparing multiple levels of data, such as a business park, its buildings, wings, rooms, etc.
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The chart can have as many levels as the user creates. A double-click drills down, while the button in the upper-left corner navigates the user up one tier
Drilldown Column Chart Configuration
The user should first select the rollup chart from a list of previously configured charts, which have been created in Workbench and mapped in Periscope’s configuration browser. The user can also choose whether or not they want to rank the live columns, and in what order.
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