Minimal Redesign
Periscope 2.3 has been completely redesigned with a new "flat" style. This design focuses on minimalism and includes completely new icons and animations across all viewlets. In addition to the new style we've optimized several areas of Periscope to increase speed and reduce any choppiness.
Weather Widget
Live weather can now be viewed on your dashboard with the new Weather Widget. This widget displays the current weather conditions at the top-right of the dashbaord as well as a forecast view that shows seven days of data.
Energy Star Integration
Periscope can now integrate directly with Energy Star Portfolio Manager and display property scores in the dashboard. The alxEnergyStar driver can pull utiltiy bill data from the Energy Star database into AX and display the data in Persicope or other applications. The driver can also push meter data from Niagara directly into properties created in Portfolio Manager. This automated process can save an Energy Manager a significant amount of time since utility bills will no longer have to be manually input.
Energy Star data and scores can also be displayed directly in Periscope including the ability to Rank properties based off of their score.
History Grouping Updates
Add/Edit/Delete History Groups + Rollups in the Trends tab
Smart Rollup
Batch rollups
Improved Drilldowns
User Manager Usability
Ranking Viewlet Updates
The Ranking Chart has several new features which assist users creating competitions. The Ranking Chart can now run baselines against previous time frames (similar to the baseline viewlet). For example, you can now show the percent change from This Month vs. Last Month, This Year vs. Last Year, and many more. In addition the Ranking Chart can display icons for the top three trends, including ribbons or trophies.
Gauge Background Images
Circular Gauges now support a user-supplied background image. This feature can use any image from the web and can quickly personalize a user's dashbaord.