The Periscope Configurator is accessed by going to http://(IP address of the Web Supervisor or JACE)/periscopeconfig. This should be the first place a user should visit after completing the necessary installation steps, which are covered on the following page. Users must have super user rights to access the periscopeconfig servlet. After completing a few basic configuration steps covered in the configuration section ahead, the user will be ready to start customizing their dashboard. The address for the Dashboard servlet is normally http://(IP address of the Web Supervisor or JACE)/periscope.
This is a typical user view, or “dashboard”. Viewlets are used to display a user’s facility data in a variety of effective presentations.
“Trends” refer to data sets that contain historic information. Trends can consist of data points plotted
for time periods reaching as far back as data is available, years in many cases. Certain viewlets rely on trend data to give users a detailed view of energy usage for a user-selectable time range. This can be useful in identifying areas of concern or opportunities to reduce energy consumption.
Online vs. Offline
There are actually two versions of Periscope with subtle differences, Online and Offline.
Online: The standard version of Periscope that is offered. This requires access to the internet. Periscope can retrieve updates from the cloud.
Offline: For those users who need a closed or 'military' system, the offline version of Persicope can run on a closed LAN (it can also function online as well). This version will require a larger jar file to be installed.