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Please note that this is for advanced users with some knowledge of AX development with the purpose of explaining some of the things that aren't otherwise covered in this documentation.

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  • Status - This is the BStatus component for all objects that inherit the BAbstractService that indicates problems associated with all AX services.
  • Fault Cause - This is the fault reason associated with the Periscope Service status. Only important for service level problems in AX.
  • Enabled - Not used. Inherited as part of the BAbstractService. Disabling Periscope requires uninstalling the service currently by deleting it.
  • Periscope Servlet - URI access to Periscope. Defaults to periscope but can be changed to support alternate URI's. (Example: changing servlet name from "periscope" to "test" would require directing your browser to http://domain/test to access the Periscope dashboard).
  • Periscope Config Servlet - Same thing as Periscope Servlet but for Periscope Config.
  • Cross Domain Servlet - Servlet that permits access to receive content from all Activelogix domains.
  • Periscope Logout Servlet - Custom Periscope Servlet for logging out of the dashboard. (Cannot be modified)
  • Periscope Api Servlet - Custom Periscope Servlet for serving Periscope API calls. (Cannot be modified)


  • We personally recommend this to be the name of the periscope servlet plus "config" (i.e. periscopeconfig or testconfig if the Periscope Servlet name was "test"). This is because most Periscope Dashboard users expect to access the Periscope Config by appending the word "config" to the end of the URL when using Periscope.
  • Mobile Servlet - Web access to the mobile dashboard introduced in version 2.4
  • External Viewlet Servlet - Servlet for allowing external access to viewlets.
  • Solar Manager - For use with the Solar Energy Viewlets.
  • Wind Manager - For use with the Wind Energy Viewlet.
  • Utility Mapper - For use with the Utility Accounting Viewlet initial setup.
  • Dynamic Histories - For use with Virtual Trends & History Groups. No user-configuration necessary.