- Icon: You can set whichever icon you'd like to best represent the view that you're building. Chose from dozens of options to best fit your project.
- Name: What you'd like to call your view.
- View ID: The unique ID that you assign your view. These id's are assigned to the components that are created for Niagara behind the scenes.
- Context: The assigned location that the particular view will reside and be visible when navigating. IE if you had a "Database" view assigned to the top level (^), you would see this view when you're on the 'home' page. If you added a "Dashboard" view on a site level (site) when you navigate to any site, that dashboard would be available on the left side menu. The top 'home' page would not have this dashboard view as it was assigned to the 'site' level and not the 'top' level.
Creating a View
When Creating a view, click the 'Add' button at the bottom of the view pane. You're given a choice of 6 different view types, as seen below.
Once you select the view you'd like to add, give it a name, a unique icon, and most importantly a target designation for context.