First, the Periscope JAR file must be installed on the Web Supervisor (or JACE). An oBIX Network must also be added to the driver’s folder if not already present. Once both files have been added, open the alxPeriscope palette, and drop the PeriscopeService into the services category. A valid license and certificate file must be obtained and added in the platform’s license manager as well. Periscope is now installed and licensed, but it must be configured before being used.
Installing Periscope
First, the Periscope JAR file must be installed on the Web Supervisor (or JACE). An oBIX Network must also be added to the driver’s folder if not already present. Once both files have been added, open the alxPeriscope palette, and drop the PeriscopeService into the services category. A valid license and certificate file must be obtained and added in the platform’s license manager as well. Periscope is now installed and licensed, but it must be configured before being used.
Initial Periscope Configuration