WebScreenshot allows automated capturing of websites into PNG format which are saved into the Station files. These screenshots can then be exposed via a simple servlet rather than giving access to any part of the station files.
Note |
This component requested the Activelogix:webScreenshot license feature to operate |
- Status - Status of WebScreenshot
- Fault Cause - Explanation of any error (such as unlicensed)
- Screenshot* - any number of Screenshot components can be added as children to the WebSCreenshot component
In the above image we see that there are two automated "Screenshot" components which will capture a webpage at some interval and save them to the station. These images will be saved as "Dashboard1.png" and "Dashboard2.png" to reflect the names given.
- Status - Status of this Screenshot component. Will display "Capturing" when a screenshot is taking place
- Interval - How often this component will capture a screenshot of the webpage
- URL - The URL of the website that will be captured
- Min-Width - The minimum width of the resulting screenshot. For example, if the requested screenshot is only 400px wide but "Min Width" is set to 600px, the resulting screenshot would be 600px.
- Delay - How long the website will be allowed to load before captured in milliseconds.